Friday, July 19, 2013

Kenya's Democratic Monarchies

"The surface of American Society is covered with a layer of democratic paint, but from time to time, one can see the old aristocratic colours breaking through" ~ Alexis de Tocquevile
The Kethi Kilonzo issue has raised many questions among Kenyans. Is she eligible to run for the senate seat left vacant after her father's untimely demise? Is she a registered voter? How did she get a voter's registration slip that is claimed to have been stolen from the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)? If she loses the ongoing petition at the High Court, will she still be allowed to continue in her legal practice? Was Kethi compelled by mysterious political forces to run for a position that she never wanted?

So many questions....and the Attache's desk would like to add one more to the fold. One more perspective that is always in the minds of Kenya but goes seemingly unaddressed. The question....why was it Kethi Kilonzo, the daughter of the Late senator, who was automatically nominated to succeed her father in the Senate. Why not someone else from the countless eligible politicians in Makueni County. Why a green-horn with little experience in politics? I put it to you that Kenya's form of democracy can be referred as a "Democratic Monarchy". The reason that it was Kethi Kilonzo, and no one else, is that Kethi Kilonzo is the Late Senator's daughter. 

A Democratic Monarchy may be described as a system of politics where the principles and processes of democracy are applied to enforce an underlying aristocratic system. This means that once an elective position is vacated by reason of death or any other reason, the person who takes over that position is likely to be a close relative of the previous holder. This is very much similar to a monarchy where the King or Queen is succeeded by the crown prince or princess or brother or sister or other close relative.Further, the electioneering process that follows, such as voting, is simply a confirmation of that the crown prince is now the new King. 

The Kethi Kilonzo case is not unique in the Kenyan experience. Strangely, or not, the two front runners in the 2013 presidential elections can be considered to be the crown princes of Kenya. Uhuru Kenayatta is the son of Kenya's first president, Mzee Jommo Kenyatta while the former Prime Minister is the son of the Late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga who was the first Vice president. The legendary political battles of their fathers was repeated again almost 50 years later.

We also have Musalia Mudavadi (former vice-president and presidential candidate), son to the late Moses Mudavadi. Eugene Wamalwa is another who succeeded his late brother Kijana Wamalwa. The Democratic Monarchy also extends to wives. The late Kijana Wamalwa's wife served as a diplomat for several years. After the death of Kipkalia Kones, his wife 'inherited' his position, of course after some elections were held. The Moi family also has Gideon and Jonathan Moi in elective positions. These are the sons of retired President Moi. The list is actually quite extensive,and is continuing into a new generation of politicians. For example, the son of former Minister Henry Kosgey is in an elective position. It is interesting to note that these types of aristocracies also exist world-wide. For example, the Kennedy and Bush families can be considered as American royalty.

This is not a critique of this system of democracy. It is simply and attempt to highlight its existence. This system of politics where elective positions are inherited within certain political dynaties may arise due to a number of reasons. Perhaps subsequent generations in political families have pre-existing advantages and political machineries at their disposal. It could be that the children want to emulate their fathers and go in the family business. This system could also be a remnant from the pre-colonial era of tribal chiefs. Perhaps we are fond of legacies because they remind us of the familiar. 

Whatever the cause, this is definitely a reality of Kenyan politics.Good or bad. It is not a far cry to imagine that President Uhuru Kenyatta's son may one day be the president himself. None of these elected leaders are forced on us. We love to lift them high. They are our Kings and Queens. Perhaps the days of the monarchies of the world are not gone. Perhaps aristocracies simply disguised themselves in a form that we are willing to accept. Perhaps they simply allowed us an opportunity to feel as though we were participating in choosing our governors through the ballot. 

The King is dead. Long live the King


  1. The king has been dead for a long time.... yet he is still alive and kicking in all ways!
    Perhaps the familiar keeps us sane, change is usually hard to accept.

  2. Do we yearn for the old ways? For the times when we were told who to obey and who to be. It's easier because the decision is made for us while still maintaining a sense that we somehow were part of that decision.
